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Rug Design - Color Impression

Medium: Fabric-

Date:  2021 FALL (Color Project)

My Impression of the Supermarket 
during the Pandemic


Fabric: Organza

Fabric: Crepe de chine

My Color Impression project is inspired by Keyfood, which is the first place that I went to in the U.S during the pandemic.

I started my master's degree in the U.S during the pandemic and I was afraid of going to most places because I was not fully vaccinated at that time.


When I went to Keyfood, I was fascinated by the vivid and energetic colors of the food, which is completely contrasting with the chaos of the pandemic. This impression is extremely unforgettable, and it is part of my first unique experience in the U.S.

Color Grid

First Manipulation

Further Manipulation

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